This presentation describes how both Mary Reibey and Edith Cowan overcome setbacks in life to become successful and valued people in society.
Mary Reibey rose from a child convict to one of Sydney's most significant business people. Although shaking off her convict past and rising to financial success, she always had time for those who were in need or ostracised by society. Edith Cowan had lost both parents by the age of 15, under separate and tragic circumstances. Rather than giving up in life, she gained strength from tragedy and rose to prominence in social justice and social service for the people of Western Australia, culminated in becoming Australia’s first female Member of Parliament. Caroline Chisholm, David Unaipon and Mary MacKillop also contributed much in their own different ways to those less fortunate in life.
The presentation also highlights the personal qualities that make these historic people inspirational role models for students of today: perseverance, vision, compassion, risk taking, faith, and plain hard work. Using a mixture of story-telling, role play and student interaction, the presentation includes a number of interesting and sometimes amusing anecdotes to complement the overall story
The story concludes with an A/V presentation (**) summarising the stories and looking at the legacy of all of these special Australians.
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The presentation is a blend of storytelling, role play, and students acting the story as it is narrated.
Although the students have set roles, it is intended to be an enjoyable experience and they have the opportunity to bring their own personality to the presentation.
Some prior knowledge of these people and associated Australian History would be useful, but not essential for this presentation. Student learning sheets are provided to assist with educational outcomes associated with these stories.
** A data projector and screen would enhance the presentation if one is available, but it is not essential if the school is unable to provide a venue with one.
For further information phone: John Arbuckle on 0402 003 664
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